Writer's Block: I was bored...

Jul 12, 2007 14:28

How Well Do You Know Your Neighbours?

Quite well actually. And our previous neighbours. Well to one side. We get on with them and I babysit their kids (who are little shits.) But yea we don’t really socialise with them but we know them.

What Are Your Favourite And Least favourite Words? Why?

Actually I don’t know… Place, food, book I could tell you, but word? I would have to find my two “strange words’ books that I have cus there are some funny ones in there. Yes I am a literary geek go me

What Was The Last Wedding You Went To?

My ‘Cousin’ Paula’s in Timaru… Yes that’s right. It was actually quite fun. We went down and drove down from Christchurch. Stayed in ‘town’ and went to a very ncie restaurant, and around the are. Then it was the wedding which was so lovely. And so was the reception. Then the day after at their house in, somewhere just above Timaru. It was quite funny because being country kids all their rellies and friends were such country people and their accents, you never realise how much an accent can change just within New Zealand, but really quite funny. As was getting all 70-something hairclips out of Paula’s hair!!

How Did You Spend Summer When You Were A Kid?

Usually after Christmas we would go camping somewhere. Before I was, I guess 12 I CANNOT actually remember where we went, but after that it was Tauranga bay 1st time with just us, then with the Keane’s and Hewitt’s) then it was O…something below Whakatane. Which was not too much fun. It was just after Jamboree and 4 days with Mum and dad. AND I got a bad rash, which I also got the year after (figured out that 4+ days in sun sand salt etc beach gives me this rash that is kinda like Hives I am told, and it burns after another few days… NOT fun!! I also got it when I got kinda burnt. I think it might have been an allergic reaction to some after sun stuff. But hasn’t happened since. So yea Christmas at one of the Grandparents (swapping each year) New Years could be there, or at home. And then camping. It was a fun time, what I would give to be a kid again.
And Now? Well We've had summer camping at  Whananaki with the Edmonds now since we are all growed up. I still go up but it may have been thelast time in summer 06/07. Buit its good fun. New Years is camping with friends. before christmas used to also be the family get away for a weekend to hot pools. It was us and the Keanes, then we added the Hewitts and two other forrest hill School families (which we dont like) but now me and nat don't go (after hmmm since form 1 so after 6 years..wow)

What Is One Of The Nicest Things You’ve Eve Done For Another Person?

This one makes me laugh, weirdly. Since it is: build houses for them. I think that’s pretty nice, and possibly the nicest thing I’ve done for me too. It was an amazing experience, going to Cambodia visiting this village and seeing just how grateful they were for a box on legs, but compared to their previous houses it was a palace. SUCH an awesome time

  The Houses (well similar) before we came along. they had to replace them each year as they rotted. so sad I could live in that though :P
 My building crew outside our first house. took about uhm2 hours? and altogether there were 7 houses built by 4 then 3 teams. such an amazing day

 Ye-Eun Bianca, Tegan, Georgia, bridget, Me, lex roasting marshmellows :D summer '07

 Lisette Paula Me in front of the cool car

writer's block, nicest thing

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