(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 19:20

I am now going to ignore the fact that monday, tuesday and wednesday,...and thursday existed.. within reason of course ya nob.
Monday did actually happen no matter how much i tried to convince you it didnt.. i had tests.. no 1 test.. it was weird.. (as i mentioned before) oh well i might have passed... maybe i'll find out soon. i hope i did else i have to go be a bum n THAt woulod SUK.
As well as monday, tuesday happened with a test. suky. Me n Annie n Vika... and Shivani got the yummiest smoothies from a cafe by the gym (no dont worry I didnt go in there!!). day was over
Wednesday also passed me by as i wiled away the time eating pizza from the same cafe with me, Annie, Ahivani, Vika, Maureen, Krista, and Kaylee.. yummiest pizza and for about 2 slices each it was $3.10 woohoo bargoon
Thursday: I GOT TO WAITAK HOSP BY 830 I ROK.. that was the excitement of ther day sorry
Thursday night I went out with people, Lisa, Graham, Tom, Jenny, Briar, And others eventually. was a great fun night until people made us leave R'Totos.. bastards.. was good fun. so weird seeing evryone from school. haha we kept getting told off by the bouncers for holding opn to the railing to see if people we knew were coming yet.. sheesh. Then it was down to taka beach. which was fun. I geuss (fuck why the hell cant i spell guess..sheesh) Then it was home by about ...1230?
I will not deny the fact that friday existed.. tho im not too sure about the hours from 6-10 as i was awake....then asleep in the car to Cooks Beach. Arrived at cooks beach. Did nothing.. well saw the family (which included my dads cousins, their kids.. and.. parents.. so dad uncle/aunt.. i'll try lable them on the fotos at http://catylintegal.spaces.live.com i think. anyway... from then till Monday I had an awesome time, doing nothing eating huge meals for dinner anyway. reading my book.. actually to be honest dfidnt do much. Even though Suzanne (dads cousin in-law) made a 'to-do' list that we had to abide by :p aaah good times..  well i actually cant be bothered trying to tell you what happened so make the effort n i'll tell the story in pictures cus its MUCH easier... i'llput a couple in

waiting waiting
 anyway now im back in auckland and got work from 830-430 until friday (THE 13th!!!! OMFG.. i wud laff if sumthing happens then.. hmm well we are having the edmonds over then so... eeek)
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