Title: Ohana Means Family
dr_jasleyWordcount: 6028
Rating: R
Pairing: Pete/Brendon/Gabe, (mentions of established Pete/Gabe past Gabe/Mikey and Pete/Mikey)
Summary: Being a spark isn't easy. Brendon's life is finally starting to smooth out when something happens to change all of that. Hopefully, that change is for the best. A stark(ish) magical-realism au.
Disclaimer:The countenances of familiar personages appear in this(everything here is untrue). Fiction is fictitious. This means faker than fake. Title is taken from Disney's Lilo and Stitch.
Warnings: non-graphic mention of sex, mentions of past institutionalization, negative thoughts, magic, angst
A/N: This was written for
random_bandom and I would have had something sooner but everything I tried before this fell apart like overcooked pasta.
bootson betaed this and was shiny shiny chearleader.
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