пузырь в финансах 2002-2008

Feb 01, 2017 16:46

Из интервью бывшего главы Дойче банка по торговле акциями:

The finance industry was an extraordinary bubble, and it was a bubble for a relatively short period of time - from 2002 to 2008. People who arrived during that bubble assumed it was the norm, but it wasn’t.

Banks weren’t always the best payers. Derhalli started his finance career in 1983 at J.P. Morgan with salary of £7.2k, whilst Shell was offering starting salaries of £8.5k.

Если кратко, то большие заработки в финансах являлись следствием пузыря в 2002-2008 (в России 2005-2008), который не вернется.

деньги, финансы, инвестбанкинг

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