Mayday, somebody save me now Or, Random00b reviews “This Loud Morning”

Jul 01, 2011 15:59

I’m not even sure how I came to find David Cook at the end of 2010, but I’m glad I did. I heard his second album would be released sometime in 2011, so when it was available for pre-order, guess what I did? I plunked down my $12 for the physical album, sight unseen --or should I say, sound unheard. Have I ever done before? No. When was the last time I actually purchased a full album/CD? 1998? Lord, David Cook, what have you done to my brain?

Anyway, I look at LJ about a week before the release date and start reading that others have gotten their CD. So I get an email on Thursday, 6/23, saying that the CD had shipped. I’m excited, I’m gonna get it any day now. Friday, Saturday, NADA. Monday, it’s gonna come, right? Nothing. There’s a CD listening party starting a midnight Tuesday, 6/28. Can I participate? No, because my damn CD hasn’t shown up. Bitter, let me tell you.

Anyway, I get the CD Tuesday evening when I get home from work. So what do I do? Listen to some Midwest Kings instead. Wednesday was one of those longest work day ever (meetings until 9p on a day that started at 8a), so I didn’t even unwrap the CD til Thursday morning. I’m so excited to finally use my car’s CD player-mind you, I’ve owned the car for over 2 years-and guess what? The CD player eats “This Loud Morning” and proceeds to tell me ‘CDC Hardware Error’ for the next six hours! FML

Thankfully, the CD ejects on its own. *whew* I listened to it for the first time at work Thursday afternoon, once on the 25 mile drive to PDX airport last night, and again this morning (on the way back from the airport, long story). Three times in 12 hours: yes, “This Loud Morning” is that good.

All of that said, here are my random thoughts (note my username):

**The haunting fade-out of Rapid Eye Movement, echoing back to Circadian, was brilliant. This is an album, boys and girls, not a sampling of singles mashed together (I’m looking at you, Kate Perry).

**Maybe it’s because I heard it first, but I much prefer the acoustic “Paper Heart” to the album version. That’s not surprising, given I that I had no interest in MWK until I heard the Sanctuary Sessions version of Circles’ Anthem & Make Me. “The Quiet Night” EP is now on order.

**In addition to being an awesome song, Goodbye to the Girl gave us the requisite Neal power guitar solo :-)

**The Last Goodbye has grown on me so much since the first listen 2-3 months ago, but man, if I didn't skip over it every single time.

**The lack of any serious David Cook glory notes saddens me, but on the other hand, it’s great to be able to sing along to every single song because they're in my vocal range. There was a lot of singing at the top of my lungs driving down Hwy 26 & 84. ETA: Upon the fourth listen, I realized I was sorely mistaken. I counted at least four glory notes.

Lyrics that would’ve ended up on my body if I wasn’t afraid of needles:
“Mayday, somebody save me now”-“Circadian”;
“I’m leaning on the edge, of jumping off the ledge”-“Goodbye to the Girl”
"I'm closing my eyes/'Cause once the sun rises/It's out of my hands"-'Circadian"

Songs on repeat and/or already created a wormhole in my head:
Take Me As I Am
Hard to Believe
Goodbye to the Girl

Songs that I’m “meh” about:
4 Letter Word
Fade into Me
Right Here, with You

Lastly, I feel the need to purchase more copies of the CD, just because. Maybe I’ll purchase a digital copy for the iPod instead of just ripping it. Guh, this CD better go Platinum.

david cook

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