May 23, 2006 23:42
I like having my blog. When I first started, I used it as a place for me to get out and write down all my thoughts and feelings and experiences with the sickness and the death of my mother. Then it became a place for me to vent and talk abouit things I want to and need to get out.
I have always kept it a private place and didnt tell anyone that knew me in person about. I have had people look on my computer and secretly read my site without me knowing or my permission. I have changed the address of my site 2 or 3 times already and with the sitemeter I can see that there is another local address looking at the site and I will be taking it down and moving it here.
Hopefully this will be the last of the moves. I am making most of my posts viewable only to friends. If you want to read my site, please email me with your LJ name or I can send you a link to sign up. Even if you sign up, you dont have to write a blog.
I am sorry that I have to do this, but this is the only way I can keep my privacy.
Thanks, once again!