Jun 20, 2006 16:32
The other day I was sitting down by Fred Meyers (Krogers to you weird east coast ppl) and saw and old fried walking to her car. ***** I yell out and she came over and we exchanged obligatory greetings. To my suprise she was expecting again and I couldn't have been happier. Her first daughter is my niece you know. Adopted of course. They callled me Uncle Randy on a card announcing her birth and thats legally binding baby!.
We talked of things and she was telling me how I was missed and all. Hehe, I can't believe I'm saying this in public (although I'm still not revealing her name) but I had a crush on her before she was married. Yet another ship sailed. But it was to better shores. Her husband is a good man.
I didn't shave my beard that day. Or today day either. I look like a pauchny mexican/chinese beatnik. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't letting myself go just a little in the grooming dept. It aint my fault though. Being half oriental (wait is Filipinio oriental too?) I inherited my Korean genes for hair. So, I only have to shave facial hair ever 2 weeks or so. Having a 2 week shadow is tricky for shaving because you get lazy and let it grow out. Why am I telling you ppl this?