Repetition for emphasis

May 23, 2006 16:57

I often repeat what I say in my journals a lot. I'm sure you've noticed it. I think I have to. Because I forget a lot of stuff I'm supposed to remember.

For instance the other day I was reading through a friend's post and she echoed sentiments I've repeated often. Not trying to claim originality by any means, for the idea is older than both her and I put together. I might also add that she put it a lot more eloquently and artfully than I. I just wondered how I could forget such things so easily. A hallmark of my life I guess. I ask God for wisdom all the time and I honestly think he's been listening to me. But I never really remember what can really help me. Sometimes I think thats why I repeat myself. Why I always come accross things that Jehovah has repeatedly tried to teach me time and time again. Or is that just an excuse I give myself cuz I'm hard headed? Hmm...

Anyways, I never really apply the good things that I'm taught. I decay back into the same states that get me into the hot water that I ask God to help me out with in the first place. My word that last sentence could've been written better.

So what to do what to do? Perhaps being repetitive isn't so bad. After all its much better than obsessively thinking about what you can't change. Why not take a little time to remember the lessons Jehovah tries to teach you? If you toll up all the things you think about during the day, how much mundane stupid things would you find? A lot more than the good and ironically more pleasing I'd guess. So I'll write it down. If not here than somewhere else. If not there than in my head. By all means you declare what helps you as well so I can learn. We're all in this together you know.