I had forgotten how long a game of golf can take.
tamile42 and I headed out pretty much as soon as I hit send on my last LJ post It took the four of us about 2.5 hours to play through the back nine.
My game needs a hell of a lot of work, and thats puting it very politely. I have no doubt in my mind that we will be back many times over the summer. To start with it was a hell of a lot of fun, and got a great afternoon of walking and enjoying the sunny day. In fact it would have been a perfect day had the wind been lighter.
Once we left the course, we programmed in the coordinates for a cache that had stumped us just a month ago. Silly thing was basically right there in plain sight. No wonder it is called the "Cache that is stolen take 2" Getting the cache with out being spotted was the tough part there were kids all over the park playing so we had to be pretty careful least we give away the position of the cache.
Once we got up close to iit and spotted it I leaned in quick and pulled it from it's hiding place. Then we walked a short distance from the spot and took the time to show a couple of friends the stuff that was in it and how the whole thing worked. I got the impression that Thor thought the whole thing was kinda lame. But his wife to be Shawna seemed to think that the whole thing was pretty kewl. She kept wanting to check the GPS and kept trying to give direction to the cache.
It was nice to see someone else who was in to it.. Am still waiting on the day that we bump in to another cacher while out on the hunt. Part of me is in fact thinking of setting up an event cache at some point during the summer. I'll have to think more on that.
Oh well off to watch Kill Bill 2, So far it has been alright. I've heard mostly bad reviews, so am not expecting much.