Mar 31, 2006 02:37
Jens and I both got jobs teaching english in south korea!!!!!! i cant believe it but we're really gonna do it! im so excited! it'll be for one year in Taegu (sometimes spelled Daegu) which looks like a really cool city! we've been researching it online. aaahhhh!!! im so excited! but we still havent told my parents yet :o\ i've been putting the bug in their ear though lol i mentioned that we were researching teaching english abroad ( i just didnt say where ;o) hopefully they wont freak out too much.
i also need to tell my boss but ive been debating on when to do it cuz like one of my co-workers said- she might treat me differently. for instance if i were to call in sick at all afterwards she might think i dont care anymore since i'll be leaving soon and therefore just not schedule me much the last two weeks. thank goodness the schedule for april is done so i dont have to worry about that. im gonna go ahead and work the first two weeks in may though so im hoping to get some decent hours then so i'll have some money. my co-worker said i should write an official letter of resignation just so that's on file and they can't say i just randomly quit lol so i need to type that up soon. i think i want to tell her before our next staff meeting which is april 12th (i think) that way she can announce it to everyone at the meeting and it can be all official. IM SO GLAD I WONT HAVE TO WORK THERE ANYMORE!!!! YES!!!!
one thing about teaching english in korea though is that we wont be able to use any of the stuff we get at our shower for an entire year lol jens is thinking about renting a storage space for all of the gifts we receive and for his stuff (since there's no room at his parents or mine) but we didnt register for a whooooole lot of stuff though so it should be fine. im thinking once most of the gifts are bought up then people will just give us money- which will definitely come in handy for our trip!
we'll go on our honeymoon a couple days after the wedding for 1-2 weeks in colorado. then when we get back we'll need to put stuff in storage, pack and get everything squared away. we'll go to my cousin amy's wedding on june 24th and then we'll leave for korea shortly after that. when we get there they give us like $100-$200 each for "settling in money" but we dont get our first paycheck for a month i think. the good thing is- rent is free! we just pay for electric, phone and internet. and they have like the fastest internet in the world! (so i hear :o)
im pretty sure most people dont know much about korea. i know i didnt before we started researching it. here's a very short summary- north korea is communist and it's a really horrible place to live- think of the book 1984. but dont worry- we wont be going there! foreigners arent even allowed in! south korea is awesome! there's beautiful mountains and natural parks/forests, tons of ancient temples and the like, but it's also very technologically advanced and has huge metropolises, great public transportation and it's pretty westernized too. they have friday's, outback steakhouse, dunkin donuts, they wear jeans and pretty much everyone speaks english. so i dont think our culture shock will be too bad ;o)
alright it's almost 3am so i better get goin! just wanted to let everyone know we got the job! ttyl- goodnight!