Oct 16, 2008 08:11
Get ready i'm going to shake shit up!
i'm in need of a change.
my car is almost fixed.
its about damn time!
looking for another job so i can support me expensive habbits.
looking for a new place to live becasue i'm tired of living with the BF and his parents.
a brand new start.
I guess an update is due for all of the...one person that actually updates this anymore.
i love you sarah!!
coffee is much needed we need to catch up on things.
: )
I've decided to go through and edit my friends list.
already did it on my phone.
started on my myspace.
and i would on here if i could figure out how...
i'm deleting people i havent talked to in the last 6 months.
and who are just plain bitches.
--cough-- no comment --cough--
i've made new friends.
i've kept the ones that matter to me.
tried to keep other friendships but its clear that they wernt ment to be
i've gone out of my way to help them out and got nothing but walked all over
know what i say to that?
go get drunk/high party your life away...with the way your going you will never amount to anything in life but a spoiled brat that mommy and daddy cater to your every need. You will never be anything more then that. you are nothing more the a bitch that wants it her way or no way. You wonder why you cant find more girl friends because we all hate you. your the girl that gives us other girls a bad name. You wonder why you cant find a boyfriend or a decent guy..because all you want to do is lead them on and get pissed when they cant give you everything you want. no one likes a high maintenance cunt...
at one point i wanted to be friends.
at one point i tried to keep a friendship.
at this point...i think you are the most disrespectful person i have even met and i have lost all respect for you and the person that you are and will become.
now i dont want to sound like i think i'm the most perfect person in the world.
because believe me i'm not.
since i broke up with jeremy,
i learned a lot about myself.
since i started dating david,
i have learned a lot more about myself
and no not all of it good.
the two biggest things i think i have learned about myself would be
1. who i am and what i want/need in life.
really i learned not who i am but how to really be who i really am. when i was with jeremy i wanted to please everyone and make everyone love me and him becasue it made me happy at the time. I didnt realize that they wernt loving him becasue they wanted to but becasue it made me happy...thats not a good thing.
i also learned that i need to start making me happy not everyone i'm around or who i'm with.
i'm going to start doing the things that are going to further my life and if the people i call my friends and loved ones will support me and help me though it. if they dont...well now comes the second thing i've learned..
2. who my TRUE friends are.
Sarah...the only person i can actually call my best friend. when my car broke down you let me borrow your car for fucks sake...only a really SISTER would do that. I can never honestly thank you enough for that. you have no idea..
and to the others. we hung out. i helped you out. and you bitched out.
i have tried to keep in contact with a few people who wanted to stay in touch.
its been over a month now and...again...nothing.
only proving a point i made earlier.
i helped someone out try to save money.
you see now that what i said about it being cheaper then what another place would cost.
i've had the same person do the same thing to my car and never had a problem.
i've had someone do a lot worse job and had to go back and fix it
i've had a boot tear completly in half.
you would know if your axle was going to snap.
you have to drive on it REALLY FUCKING HARD to break it.
and no one said shit about your CV joints.
i've over you, i'm over your bipolor bullshit, i've over you and your shit period.
i wish you nothing but the best in life (lord knows your going to need it.)
i'm looking for an apartment near alki beach i think.
or one in shoreline.
something closer to work.
something small i can call my own.
something i can make MY OWN space.
Time to go look at more car parts.
: )
i've already got everything all planned out for what i want to do for my car!
can you say single cam turbo?
i can :D