sorry, no crazy new years pics cuz the sponge was home sick on nye.
however, a couple leftovers from the perry christmas and parties at lauren's house.
the perry patriarch in an elf hat. i <3 my grampa.
pam wanted a nice picture, so forrest took a swig of his beer. pam was not pleased.
she was pleased however, when she realized we were going to hawaii. so cute in a completely shocked way!
devin just cant get over that spiderman wrist thing. youd think 5 years of college would have done something. note steven in the back laughing his ass of as devin says "i want one."
we tried 6 times to get a good picture. then we gave up. yay for toussled hair sisters.
HAHA! kari. we swear, shes only mildly retarded.
later, at laurens, we channelled DEB.
ian and lauren both got in touch with deb. conor was a butt face and wouldnt do it.
deb might just be our hero...