A long-awaited update

Jul 24, 2006 16:53

Or maybe not so long-awaited. I seem to have lost some readers recently. And I also lost someone who I thought wanted to be my friend. I haven't made a lot of friends in my life, and none within recent memory, so I thought that this was a nifty development. But now she's gone. We went from talking and having fun to being bitter enemies, it seems. She took the coward's way out, which is even worse and nearly unforgiveable, refusing to talk to me face to face or even on the phone about her complaints. Ultimately I guess she was lying about wanting to be my friend.

Eh. I'm not feeling much like whining today. So I'll lash out instead and say that I need to choose those that I befriend more carefully. I have to at least make sure that they're adult enough to appreciate a real friendship to begin with. Real friends aren't sycophants who tell you what you want to hear. They tell the truth, painful though it may be.

The most ironic thing about this debacle is that my former friend broke things off because I told her the truth instead of lying like she wanted me to.

When will I learn not to embrace people who want me to be something I'm not?
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