Mar 22, 2004 17:09
Hey, what's up pals. Thought that I'd make my occasional update in this thing. This past weekend was spent in Fremont. It was really nice to see some of my oldest pals. To Steph I wish you the best of luck with this lastest ordeal. Thanks for spending some time with me Adair, it was really really nice to see ya again. I forgot how much I missed you until this weekend. Props also to Chippy, Steph, and JR for spending some time with me this weekend.
For those who haven't talked to me much lately I've been hardcore questioning my religion lately. There have been a bunch of questions over the last couple years that have been bugging me too much. But lately I have begain to answer some of the questions and labeled the others as unanswerable and mooved on with my life as a Christian. My beliefs are as strong as they have been since reading the Bible last (in 5th grade).
I've got a month left of school left now and am really looking foward to the summer. For those who plan on living in Fremont this summer I really look foward to seeing/hanging out wiht you again this summer. I've really grown to realize that the town of Fremont really isn't as bad as most make it out to be. Some of the greatest moments in my life have taken' place there.
Other than what I've mentioned there really isn't too much worthwhile mentioning. I hope that in my strive to become a better person you all can help me out. Please keep me in your prayers to help keep strong and fight against my many temptations. I LOVE YOU ALL!
Randy :)