Back to school...

Jan 07, 2003 22:01

I had some complaints that I don't write in here often enough, so here I am. I mixed up my schedule sense arriving here at school. Gone are Human Anatomy and Making of Europe, taking their place is Calc and a class yet to be determined. It feels nice to be back here at school. Well, there's still a couple of annoying things. My room smells nice and moldy, and the college has yet to tell me anything about what their going to do about my room. (BTW: (For those who don't know) The pipes in my heating vent froze and broke, spewing steaming hot water all over the place. There was a couple of inches of water in my room. This water damaged a few things and mad all in its path have the smell of mold! This all happened the first day of exam week, great timing :). Neil and I were then forced to move into a new room way across campus. The school wasn't even nice enough to send a van/people to help us move our crap out. Three visits back and forth from our room later we were in a new room. This took the entire day, I guess studying for exams isn't an important enough reason for the university to send help. After the week was over Neil and I had to then move all of our crap out of the new room, again without help. Fun story eh?).
Well, anyways, it's nice to be back at school and seeing all of my GVSU buddies again. It is also nice to get out of Fremont. Not that Fremont isn't a lovely town, wait, no it isn't. ooops.
Well, I'm pretty damned hungry now, I'm going to go and eat. Maybe I'll write in this thingy more often.
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