A Very Active Week

Oct 08, 2007 08:02


Kicked off Monday at 6:15 with a trip to the Surgicenter for the long-awaited (dreaded?) ear tubes for Dexter. Went pretty smoothly and surprisingly quickly, although he was pretty bitter while coming out of the anesthesia. No immediate effects, although he does seem to be mimicing a bit more. Also, this may or may not be related, but he has been a giant stumblemonster all week. Maybe the removal of all his "ear goo" (note the technical term) wacked out his balance?

Monday evening, skipped yogalates to go see Tim Wise speak on campus. Liz sponsored this event and thus was already familiar with him, but me, not so much. I have to say, he is an excellent speaker.

Tuesday and Wednesday: lots and lots of work! Between Liz's normal load of work and classes, and my freelance having a particularly crazy week, it was pretty chaotic for a few days there.

Thursday evening, weekend got kicked off early with a Jonathan Coulton/Paul & Storm concert. We went with our friends Scott & Jeni, who actually know P&S from letting Da Vinci's Notebook crash at their house back in the day. As expected, concert was excellent -- JoCo just keeps getting better and better. Loved the addition of Fancy Pants to the set, and I almost got my dream of him doing Soterios Johnson, except that he ran out of time. I also managed to win the Paul & Storm mailing list drawing, netting me a CD, a jello-mold brain, pachouli incense and a ninja sword. Pretty sweet! After the concert Scott & Jeni and Paul & Storm went off to have a late night snack and chat, but it was getting late so Liz & I begged off and went home.

This entry is already getting long, so Friday and Saturday come later.
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