Yeah, the title sucks, I know. I'm tired and sleepy, dammit! :-P
Mucho conga rats for both
Endimi and
trinket410 for being married for a whole day now! I enjoyed myself a lot yesterday. It was a really nice service (thank you for it not being in church!) with great music. Yep, the Irish can play guitar alright.
Both the bride and groom looked absolutely radiant, and stayed that way all day long, despite the sun not breaking through the cloud cover.
The reception was very nice too. Yay for champagne and things to munch!
Now, on to the menu: it was de-li-cioussss! I had WAY too much to eat, especially dessert-wise. That buffet was ebil, ebil I tells ya!
The only downside was everything stretching on (I think it was because the dessert- presentation just kept on going), so our magic show was postponed for almost two hours. We were so tired by that time that a couple of things went wrong. Nothing big, fortunately, so we still did a good job, and almost everyone was really impressed.
I hope you guys liked the show, I brought the biggest (and coolest) things I have. May you have a very happy, and very magical life together!