Apr 06, 2006 03:41
Wow, does anyone else remember Scatman John? The first time I heard of him was when I was watching Beavis and Butt-Head like 10 years ago. I came across a flash video on the web that had a part of one of him songs on it and decided to get his first cd on a whim. Wow! I'm impressed! He sounds like a really good guy from the ideas that he expresses in his music. This cd has certainly made me realize something. There is WAY too much depressing music out there. Everything these days is about feeling sad, suicide, ect. Just look at some of the names of popular bands these days. Bands such as "as I lay dying", "it dies today", and "bleeding through". Bands with lyrics like this:
if these pills could, they would call my name. a quick end. suicide becomes
so persuasive and dramatic. a beautiful face that lays quietly beside me. and
i'll remember every fucking movement. i've lost control. and i'm losing control
of who i am. nothing seems to fit. these words fill a helpless length of
time. they make no sense, but serve every fucking purpose. into substance.
remember my face when i am gone
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people these days? I pledge to from now on, only write songs that are meant to either raise self esteem, political awareness, or make people laugh.
Fuck this whiney emo shit.