Pondersome Thoughting....(maybe that makes sense in like...thai?)

Aug 08, 2004 10:52

So. Updates. Still pregnant. Nearly 35 weeks. Thats a whole lotta baby. I'm either getting more bitchy the more mommy-like I get or more realistic. Someone else asked me "You haven't had that baby yet? Do you know if its a boy or a girl" and I finally did it. I got smart assed.

'Yeah, I had it since I saw you yesterday...I'm already out of the hospital...turns out I'm just so fat I naturally look 8 1/2 months pregnant...I left the kid at home...and I'm still not sure if its a boy or a girl...haven't bothered to look'

Sadly...this person didn't quite get that they had annoyed the hell out of me every single damn time I've seen them. They laughed and said "So when are you due?"

'Same time I was yesterday...and every day for the last 8 months..September 15th.'


Yeah. Oh. So I felt kind of bad about it.

Then when I saw them two days later....

"You still haven't had that baby yet?"

I just shook my head and walked off before we could go into the fact that I still haven't had another ultra sound to determine sex and no, I haven't had the baby yet.

I know it's wrong to be rude but I'm so tired of hearing people ask the same damn thing every time I see them. It's like...if I'm still pregnant...what do you think the answer is? Do you REALLY have to repeatedly ask if I know the sex? I've started telling people 'no and I'm NOT finding out' but it doesn't work.

Who invented that phrase anyway? "You still haven't had that baby yet" like its my fault or something? I may not like all the aspects of being pregnant but I'm really glad I haven't had my baby early....especially since the questions started coming at 5 months. If it doesn't stop happening...I'm not leaving my house anymore. LOL I'll just be a hermit. Just go to my friends and parenting class where they're smart enough not to ask me 40 times a week if I've had 'that baby' yet.

Here's a HUUUUUGE request everyone. When you see a pregnant woman, PLEASE PLEASE don't harass her to death. Don't ask her due date or the sex of the baby more then twice...and ask to touch her stomach.

Mean Randa
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