bah-hum-buggggg ((major, super long and detailed entry))

Apr 28, 2005 22:47

within the past week a lot has happened with me and my thinkings. i'll make a snazzy list.
  1. i got my ACT scores back from my testing in February and realized "hey i could actually get into U of I or any other college." and my mom's okay with the fact of me wanting to go there now.
  2. i let a teacher in on my personal life and they were completely cool with me even though i didn't know what to expect. it made me appreciate them more even though i'll deny it if you ask. when i told them though i felt like crying, it was weird.
  3. i've come to the realization that i can't depend on some people. they only consider themselves my "friend" so they can use me to drive them around or get them what they want..... meaning drugs or other substances. i did an experiment today to see if my logic was correct. i didn't strike up a conversation with them at all today and guess what..... they ignored me the whole fucking time. thanks friend....
  4. there's really only one person that i myself can depend on right now and that's me. if i hurt myself then it's my own fault. that leads to me not hating anyone or blaming others. i want other people to give a little bit of my dependance to, but that's gonna take me some time.
  5. for those who i do give my dependance to i'm grateful for you guys. you deal with my bi-polarness and always find a way to make my days radical. i got an email today that made me think if any of the statements in it were true. see the cut below....
  6. i got a hair cut. it allows me to hide from everything ((it also makes me look emo)) also new glasses that i like to wear. it's a change that i do enjoy. look at the end of the entry, if you make it there alive.
  7. i started doing something i shouldn't have, but now i get headaches without it. no good. stupid, stupid me. enough on that
  8. i guess i am going to prom? as of thursday we were going. i want to go, but if kyle doesn't it's his call since it is his prom either way i'm fine. i just wish he would make up his mind so i can schedule a hair appointment...haha since when did i care about these things??
  9. as for boys..... there are a few in my mind but i don't know what the hell i want with that. being singles fun and all, but there's those times when it's like hmm a boy would be nice right about......... now. i also think i'm defected. everyone's like "i made out with a boy last night" then i say "whoa wait are you dating them" they go "psh no" and then i hit them with my purse and yell "whore!" but now i think about it and i don't understand why it's such a big deal to me. there's nothing left out there for me to do anyways, really.
  10. lastly, i'm glad college is almost out. i need all of the college kids back home right now. i miss them soo much. i can't wait for summer to begin well it won't begin for me till the end of june but still it's almost here, my senior fucking year. hell yes!!! 
  11. one more thing. if we have plans don't blow me off. yeah i can understand if something comes up but atleast make an attempt to tell me instead of leaving me to sit around all day incase you call to say lets go. i wouldn't want to be out with someone else and tell you no, that'd be mean. don't be rude.

i suppose this is gonna be the end of my bitching/ranting/and being me for this entry. livejournal and you probably couldn't handle any more.

these are the ones i thought were significant. think about if they mean anything to you and who you could put in each catergory.
  • At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
  • At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
  • The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
  • Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
  • You mean the world to someone.
  • If not for you, someone may not be living.
  • Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
  • Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

                                                 here's the new glasses/hair look

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