Apr 08, 2008 09:29
Bleh, The snow is finally melting. Again. Maybe this time it'll be what the kids call for reals. The untimely weather cratered my weekend yard plans. On Friday I shoveled out remains of the last drifts into the driveway to melt. On Saturday I raked the matted grass & began pruning and general upkeep in the landscaping. And on Sunday, I was shoveling the new found snow back onto the lawn to clear the sidewalks & driveway. Not the end of the world, but it was highly depressing to be forced in doors - I've been waiting for weeks for some quality time in the yard.
Research has also been sorta bleh. So much tedium in between myself and what I think of as the real work. Like reconciling the fact that the Standard Template Library is less of a standard to Visual Studio than say to g++.
I finally got around to booking my particulars for the upcoming scholars conference. I have no idea why I'm going. This sort of thing is generally cool, but also generates a lot of anxiety for me. Travel, security, itineraries. And now I've found out there's a research summary I need to give. To astronauts. They've been off planet, how can I raise the bar for my presentation that high?