last nite we(vic/cristos/mark/jenna/joe/me) went to my friend sharon's house. she and gal are going to europe for the whole summer so they had a going away party. i got to see andrew/shanle/erin/joey/zhana. there were also alot of people i didn't know there. so i got their #s and they are going to come to the athletic club on sunday. and i get to go to a party of andrew's comming up! it was so awesome seeing them all. i can't wait for tomorrow nite!
bordercolor='#0033ff' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>AAppreciativeDDistinguishedRRadicalIImportantAAppealingNNaturalNNeatEExhausting
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom RRichAAmazingNNuttyCCreativeIInsaneDDeliciousMMischievousEEdgyRRefinedMMagicalAAwesomeIIndustriousDDangerous
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom VVisionaryAAmorousMMesmerizingPProudBBubblyIIrresistibleTTerrificMMesmerizingYYoungNNoisyEEnergeticCCleverKKinky
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom