(no subject)

Nov 12, 2003 14:49

Body: To get your porn star name, you need to combine your very first pet's name (first name) and the street you grew up in (last name). Copy this message, add your real and porn star name, and post it on the bulletin board for some good, clean, adulterated fun! (Be honest!)
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Real name = porn star name

1. topher a. = smoke apollo
2. jown = valentina nineteen
3. lailani = chips apollo
4. dahlia = dalsey yakal
5. kae = kae benedict
6. jill tan = lucky mabolo
7. zari l. = mingming quezon
8. maddie t. = tawtaw mahogany
9. gelo m. = duchi anna kier
10. sophie d. = pumpkin pablo roman
11. jendee = jaja buencamino
12. angelo p. = claudia alejos
13. janina d.c. = snow daangbukid
14. tony m = doggy dee c chuan
15. miggy L.= tiny tropical
16. faith y. = miming lamayan
17. staj = sile muelle
18. zards = dempsey de dios
19. melanie c = rocco first
20. Brit H. = Keke Hilltop
21. Arrrgh! = Josh B. East
22. Alyssa = Smut Hesperides
23. Devotion = Thumper Sunny Vista
24. Christina = Sioux Fox
25. Sean= Lucky Van Buren
26. Victoria = Molly Colony (god that is
27. jess = tasha murray
28. Serena= Gypsy Koontz
29. Adam = Obie Colonial
30. tonychavez.=Happy Irene
31. Tasty = Skylos Scotland
32. cory = frosti peach
33. oberon = Mitzi Moody Farm
34. Matt = Butterscotch Beverly
36 - Nx - Blue Bunting
37. Sinned = Sam Windbrooke
38. JENNI = Tara Georgia
39. EDUB = Lucky Highland
40. Lisa=Luka Gifford
41. Simon = Blackie Kenwood
42. Laura=Maria St. John
43. Rustee=Shep Norwalk
44.R.A. Rabwg-Stinky Tain (WTF?)
45. Kitty= Cody Sixteen
46. Kenny=Joey Lee
47 cynthia = Shadow Cody
50 Dave= Bandit Hearthside (nice one)
51. Chris = Chessie Hawick
52. Jessica= Blackie Woodgrove
53. Missy=Bobo Van Ruiten
54. karla = nano fischer
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