Feb 14, 2005 21:53
hmmm.. got abducted by aliens the other day. really interesting. they didnt anal probe me but we sat around and had wine and smoked cigars while watching south park. they then brought me back and then a bengal tiger came outta no where and we battled i then slapped my hands together and grabbed a piece of metal and it transformed into a giant buster sword like the one from final fantasy 7. the tiger then went "whoa whoa whoa hold the phone, i was just jokin around. heres 5 bucks buy sumthin nice." So i went and on my way there i was chased by a band of midgets. and by band i dont mean large group, i mean a band with instruments and a singer. so i ran. then i got picked up by a giant sangwich. the sangwich then pulled a gun and said give me your money i was like "i need my money for razzles" and he said you mean razzles as in first its candy then its gum?" i said "yeah" then he said "in that case your free to go." he then dropped me off. i went to the store and then went home.
o yeh....that was all bullshit if you couldnt tell. Candelora told me to make sumthin up so i did.