Got my Green Day tickets within 30 seconds of them being on sale, after about 2 minutes the site was going SO slow, it took like 10 minutes to load per page but LUCKILY all my mates got their tickets so yay.
Went to Harlow with Mitch, didn't see anything I really wanted or needed so I didn't get Mitch to buy me anything haa. Decided I wanted a phone upgrade so went to Vodafone shop but I needed the person who owns the contract [my dad] to it, blah blah blah.
SO. Went back to mine and made him go to Vodafone for me and got my sexy new Sharp GX20. It is HOT. Talking of hot, so is Mitch, it's like..WOOOAAAAHH I LIKE THATT.
(x) been drunk.
(x) smoked pot.
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(x) kissed a member of the same sex.
(x) kissed your best friend
(o) crashed a friend's car.
(o) been to japan.
(x) rode in a taxi.
(o) had anal sex.
(x) been in love.
(x) had sex.
(o) had sex in public.
(x) been dumped.
(o) shoplifted.
(o) been fired.
(x) been in a fist fight.
(o) had a threesome.
(x) snuck out of my parent's house.
(x) been tied up. (sexually)
(o) been caught masturbating.
(o) pissed on myself.
(o) had sex with a member of the same sex.
(o) been arrested.
(x) made out with a stranger.
(x) did other sexual acts with a stanger
(o) stole something from my job.
(o) celebrated new years in time square.
(o) went on a blind date.
(x) lied to a friend.
(o) had a crush on a teacher.
(o) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
(x) been to europe.
(x) skipped school.
(o) slept with a co-worker.
(x) cut myself on purpose.
(o) had sex at the office.
(o) been married.
(o) been divorced.
(o) had children.
(x) been so drunk i passed out
(o) done hard drugs
(o) driven drunk
(x) performed oral sex
(x)been in a fist fight
(x) had sex with more than 3 partners