Apr 27, 2011 05:57
What's up? How you doin'? I've had way too much caffeine and little sleep and too much homework and my fingers hurt from writing/typing. I should probably refrain from using them but I need someone to talk to about nothing at all and no one is home and no one is online and no one cares, so I'm here on my faithful LJ talking all sorts of nonsensical crap about needing things and caffeine overdoses and whatnot. I'm kind of dizzy from the caffeine and my eyes are bleary from lack of sleep and my ears are ringing because there's nothing on TV to occupy my poor restless brain. I shouldn't have drank that coffee at two in the morning, but I needed something to keep me awake while I tried to finish my homework. I have an exam tonight that I haven't studied for at all...and it's kind of depressing. I want to pass, but I hate the class so I don't even put any effort into it. I'm still getting a pretty decent grade so far. I got 94 on my last exam and 92 on my paper and at least passed my presentation. I have no idea what my grades are for the rest of my classes. I'm hoping my Gov teacher puts up my grade for the paper I wrote, but who friggin' knows. All I know is that I want this semester to be done and over with so I can spend more than two seconds of my life doing something other than homework. Or thinking about doing homework. Or whining about doing homework. This semester was by far the worst of any I've taken (minus last semester, but I don't think that counts because last semester was a joke and a half). I know none of this really matters though, because I'm going to graduate and move on and get better at whatever it is I'm good at...or maybe discover what I'm good at so I no longer feel like I'm wasting my time doing whatever it is that I'm doing like I do. That is me, wandering aimlessly. That is me, wondering aimlessly.
It's pouring buckets outside. This is why you don't post on LJ after no sleep and too much coffee.