
Apr 21, 2009 17:56

haaa, so I waste my time doing a survey. yes, i have a life.

Would you rather play drums or guitar?
Well, I know it's not PLAUSIBLE because I'm not coordinated, but I've always loved the drumline at school.

Have you ever decorated a parking lot with sidewalk chalk?
I once decorated a public sidewalk, if that counts.

Do you enjoy a good game of hopscotch, or do you suck at it?
Hopscotch is the shit.

Is it possible for you to not dance during the cha cha slide?
I don't know. I've never listened to the cha cha slide that closely.

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?
Just because I like to dance doesn't mean that I know how to.

When you're nervous, do you bite your nails?
I do a lot of things when I'm nervous.

Fiction or Non-Fiction:
Depends on how it's written. I don't mind non-fiction, so long as it's not written in textbook format.

Isn't John Mayer amazing?

Do you ever just sit there and watch the fan turn?
Not really.

K! Pick a color?

Any explaination for the color you picked, or was it just random?
I'm feeling a little black today.

Who's your favorite member of All Time Low?
...and i'm supposed to know who All Time Low is?

Are you a textaholic, or would you rather just talk to the person?
Neither. I'm a recluse.

Have you seen the dark knight?
Hasn't every single person on the planet?

Didn't it suck?
Meh, I don't like Christian Bale as Batman. But fucking Morgan Freeman was bad ass in it.

What helps you fall asleep at night?

Any unique/unusual habits you have?
Um. I move my feet a lot?

Have you ever recorded yourself dancing to SexyBack?
WHYYY on earth would I do that?

Do you even like that song?
Yes. I have no hate for Justin Timberlake.

or do you have something against JT?
see above question.

Are you happy with your gender?
No. I'd rather have no genitalia.

Doesn't it just give you goosebumps when screamo bands actually sing?

Can you rap?
Um, i can keep a beat if that counts?

Do you want kids?
Sometimes. And then I look at my nephew whining about not getting his way, and I'm like "FUCK THAT SHIT."

What is your bestfriends outlook on your future?
You'd have to ask them?

When you were little, did you and your friends play MASH?
I only played MASH alone.

Do you still play that game?
I haven't played it in ages.

Headbanging; daily activity?
Headbanging is for metalheads. I, however, am not a metalhead.

Do you get worked up during racing games?
yes. lovelove racing games.

What's the most emotionally scarring thing you've had to go threw?
spelled through wrong.
but yeah, probably the transitions from having a family and living in a house to being homeless with pretty much no one.

When you wake up in the morning what is usually your first thought?

Do you think more during the day or at night?
All the time. My brain is like...a never-ending stream of thoughts.

What's your opinion on "God"?
I don't think you should put God in quotes, because that makes me believe that you aren't neutral on the topic, which in turn makes me want to challenge your views.

HOWEVER. I don't take part in religion, but I do believe that there is a higher power.

What's your opinion on evolution?
I am a firm believer in the caveman.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Somewhere pretty. Like Utah.

Do you think it's wrong to deny gays the right to marriage?

How do you feel about the use of nuclear weapons?
Honestly? Scares the shit out of me.

Are you racist or sexist at all?
I love black people.
don't really love men that much, though.

How do you feel about eating disorders?
They piss me off.

Who do you talk to when you're sad?
No one.

Why did you cry last?
Uhh. The other day after my art history presentation, because I got so nervous that I forgot how to talk.

What song has the most meaning to you?
changes. I love "Blackbird" by the Beatles, though.

Do you think it's important to get a college education?
For some people. I think if you aren't happy with your current job but need an education to get a better one, it's definitely important.

How do you feel about abortion?
I think it's ridiculous that girls use that as a form of birth control now-days.
However, I don't think that it should be 100% illegal, because there are many different reasons that a woman would get an abortion, other than being irresponsible/lazy/whatever it is that makes people think it's okay NOT to use protection.

How do you feel about President Obama?
I don't. S'Why I didn't vote.

Would you ever become a vegetarian or vegan?
I am a vegetarian.

How do you feel about sex before marriage?
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but if you wanna wait then hey.

How do you feel about drugs?
I think my entire family has been fucked up by them, hence why I don't like them.

Do you think marijuana should be legalized? Why?
People are gonna use it regardless, so I don't really give a shit.

Are you stereotypical?
I could probably fit into a lot of stereotypes.

Who do you love the most?
Your mom. Harharhar.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Hell no. I cry watching Edward Scissorhands.

Would/have you ever cheat on someone?

How do you feel about the media?
I don't really. I think paparazzi are ridiculous.

What's the worst way the media has affected you?
I think it's made me feel negatively about my body before. And I have killed a few of my braincells by watching reality TV.

Do you believe in love? Why or why not?
I don't know. I don't think I've ever met anyone who's truly expressed it before?

Who do you trust with your life?

Do you think our society is too look obsessed?
I think they can be.
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