My reward for completing the Tour de Fleece (other than all the lovely yarn and experience):
I haven't done any spinning today. I sent a long overdue chatty letter to some Russian friends. I got the girls to and from art class on time. The older two have art class afternoons for the next two weeks and we're rather out of practice with getting somewhere on a shedule. Better to practice now than when school starts (29 days and counting). Mostly I took it easy today. There's so much that needs done that I hardly know where to start prioritizing.
This weekend I learned about a great yarn store only 5 miles from my house. I looked them up online today, and they're closed on Tuesdays, so I don't get to visit them until at least Wednesday. I'm hoping to get some acid dyes for making rainbow wool for
Take Flight for Kids.
For now, it's off to bed.