Sep 09, 2008 10:06
so I noticed my ipod on my iphone was playing the same songs when I selected shuffle. I guess I'm not the only one.
fix constant repeat of song on iphone
This was driving me nuts and I just found the resolution on another site and thought I'd share it here since there was not any resolution here.
Once you have your playlist displayed start the first song. Tap on the album art and the Playhead will appear. The Playhead tells you how much time the song is in minutes:seconds; elasped time on left, remaining time on right.
On the left side of the Playhead is the Repeat icon (it looks like a race track). Tap it to make a selection.
Black=repeat one song
Blue=repeat all songs
Blue with black head=set to repeat current song
Black and white=not set to repeat songs
On the right side is the shuffle incon (it looks like two crossed lines with arrows to the right). Tap it to make a selection.
Black=play songs in order
Black and white=set to play songs in order
I found the fix here