Early Sleep late bedtime

Mar 06, 2013 01:29

It's late. I was reclining in the recliner rereading chapters of A Lesson Before Dying so that I could type the quiz for my students. Somewhere around chapter 8 I fell asleep. I was out for at least an hour or so. So I woke up and finished. I just printed it so now I am soon to go to fall sleep. I wanted to post about every day in March. Technically I have missed March 5th but in my mind this still counts.

Yesterday (March 5th) was a good day. I stayed after school for the yearbook meeting but I don't think it was very productive because everything wasn't set up for them to work on it. As far as classes, all the students were working on persuasive essays in my ninth grade classes. In first period things went wrong as far as lack of student productivity. They were just looking at me with this blank unfocused stare. They detest writing. I want to be superwoman and make them love it. But I think they slicked detested me today to for giving them the challenge of writing.

My friend CJ stopped by and was here as soon as I came home. She was bringing back books I had let her borrow. We stood in my kitchen and talked for about an hour.... mainly about the funny stuff and the woes of teaching. She is currently student teaching. I actually started talking about some recent misbehaving students and me talking about it got me to thinking about it and I didn't feel good about it. I felt like I should have just kept my mouth closed. She is new to teaching and while I want to not sugar coat I also don't want to burden her with my opinions and situations that are negative. It reminds me of one of the wisdom concepts that I read about but didn't apply to my life in this siuation. Wisdom is choosing the right friends and being a genuine friend. Some "friends" tear you down. I want to make sure I am the friend that gives the truth but a positive/hopeful perspective and my words are uplifting and not heavy to whoever I am talking to or to myself where it can tear you down. My words today felt heavy and negative.... mainly because I was rehatching something that really upset and hurt me. The disrespect from students have been prevalent to make me question whether I am impacting my students or are they impacting me. That's something that Grant also battles in A Lesson Before Dying he wonders whether his six months of work with the students is in vain. He wonders whether he is wasting his time. I have those same concerns sometimes. Sometimes I want to not care because my students don't care. So it appears that sometime they impact me.
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