Having No Scrubs/No Pigeons Deja vu over here..

Mar 03, 2004 16:20

LOL!  Somebody had the nerve to make a girl version of that fool's song, the one that goes: "Fuck you, you ho, I don't want you back".  Man I forgot his name.  This girl is saying "Well guess what yo, your sex was wack!".  The female version is better.

So I was watching "Barbershop 2" on bootleg in my brother's room.  It was okay.  I haven't seen it all but I'll finish watching it today.  The first one was better though but Ice Cube is looking H-O-T-T! Whew lawd, fan me please somebody!!  Him and Michael Ealy (Ricky)  even though I liked his hair braided, he is indeed a hot one.  Lovely lips and eyes.  I'm a smile person I've figured out.  Cute smiles drive me crazy!

I am almost off work, I feel productive cuz I finished a lot of shit that was sitting on my desk so I am cool as a cucumber baby.

Six minutes and counting...tonight is American Idol and I think that's about all.  My brother is coming on Saturday for sure this time and surprise surprise, he's a weedhead too.  All in the family! I like that.  And I might get my computer back up tonight..YAYYY!!

I am so glad Camille got kicked off of "America's Next Top Model".  I really want either Mercedes or April to take it.  She needs to chill out though.  I do not like that mean chick Janice.  She is HURT.  And she used to be a model?  Bish has had Botox and Rotox up the ass!  She admitted it in US Weekly.  I could not get needles shot up in my face.  Fugitaboutit.  You are supposed to have lines on your face because we make expressions, it's natural but I know Madonna's ass had it.  Sharon Osbourne had me rolling.  She said "I was so shocked at Madonna's new head!  She's had Botox in the forehead!  She doesn't have a bloody line anywhere!" and she didn't on the Grammy's.  Ho is 45, she should be wrinkling.  Just admit it.  LOL..new head.

This Cassidy kid looks about 12 to me.  Talking bout come to the hotel.  He can't even get a room with his 12 year old ass.

It's that time again.  I'm out.
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