For Christmas..

Dec 05, 2003 14:13

I just want some clothes man. Work clothes and street clothes. I swear I have not jeans or tennis shoes anymore. It used to be the other way around. I miss tennis shoes.

April is suppose to take me to get my hair done. Just washed and flat ironed and cut into a style. I'm tired of braids and my afro puff. It's about time I went to the shop again. Last time I went was in 1994 and I never been again cuz the lady we had was crazy. She effed me and my sister up and yes she was black and worked at JcPenney's. I have never met anyone who can press as hard and as straight as my mother. People ask me do I have a perm. I haven't had a press in so long I forgot what one feels like. My shit takes hella hours to straighten out. I need another solution.

I haven't done any Christmas shopping and I doubt I do. Only folks should be expecting anything is my godparents cuz I owe them royally. Birthdays and Mother's Day and Father's Day I missed so I'll have to give up much dough to get off the shit list.

Isiah supposedly bought me a computer for my bday. I think he's full of shit but if I get it do I even want it? Yea I need a new one but I know why he did it: to remind me always who gave it to me. Same with my cell phone. Everytime I look at it I don't think of him so he should be feeling crunchy.

Man..2 hours and 30 mins to go!
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