Quick entry before going home

Sep 29, 2003 16:19

I am so mad that Arnold Schwarznegger (did I even spell that shit right?) is winning in the recall election! How can he possibly be winning? This man said that we need to tax the Indians. I'm like Haven't America done enough?! Stole they land and now they need to be taxed?? Like man you aint even American what are u talking about what we need to do. Austrian ass. If he wins, I'm ::dead:: cuz that's not cool..lol. It was funny at first but now it's just ridiculous. I'm not clowning but you really can't understand his ass..plus he's a Republican. "We need to tax the Indians", no we need to not vote for your ass. I know I'm not. And yes I am voting cuz, Hell naw if he wins!

My sister is driving me bonkers. I know she's depressed cuz she lost her job cuz hell, I was, but she has to go find a computer. I can't be doing all her shit at my job and end up getting laid off too. I'm all faxing and emailing and shit when I got ish to do. I don't just sit here and look at the internet all day. Lawd, I swear that's what they think I do.

But..time to go..it's 4:25 and I'm out!
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