All the news lately has been ...depressing. The party did not help Ciel's mood at all. Usually kids are so easy to please! Maybe I should throw him another party.... or not. I don't know what he likes, just what he hates. Which is about everything under the sun.
Well anyway... I'm ready for Quidditch Camp. I'm being impatient here. I've never been
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Pick Us!
We have made a list!
Little Earlie looooves...
-Playing dress up!
-Pretty bows in his hair!
-Tea parties (of course) but girly ones with dollies and imaginary friends!
-Bubble baths!
-Sleeping with his blankie!
-Footsie pajamas!
-Bedtime stories!
-Catching butterflies!
-Writing in his diary!
We hope this helps ♥
Thank you Little Earlie!
We totally forgot to add
finger painting to the list ♥
I will keep this list, and add to it as much as I can!
We already knew that.
But that doesn't mean
We don't love hearing it, anyway!
Tell Us when your list reaches
10,000 things.
Then We will really be impressed!
I don't even think I like 10,000 things.
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