summer time!

May 25, 2008 18:23

So School is out for the summer. I have one online calc class that starts on june 9th. I'm looking at about 3 more years and thats including feild study and student teaching for my credentials....can't wait to be done.

I've seriously considered moving to the city in the next few years. Me and beth are gonna look for a house in phill her parents want to buy and let us rent which would be cool. After a year there I will see where the training takes me...

My poor pup has been so lazy non-energetic, weird....hopefully its just catching up form lots of play yesterday.

Work is weird again, changing mamagers always is, and having a pregnant one is gettin crazy too. We'll see what happens in the next month.

I want to go to more games. We will probably go wednesday and as long they are are home on wed you should join me to see the a's , $2 seats, $1 dogs, amazing....

ok thats all, ttyl
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