
Apr 30, 2008 19:01

I heart the summer because:
-swimming and poolside fun
-many more bbq's
-cabo with raechel (anyone want to join in august)
-only class on line, no emergency trips to sf for groupmates who's cars get broken into and the flash drive with your entire project on it gets stolen....
-moving again?
-hopefully another tattoo...

In the past weeks I've gotten to roam the city a bit, get good advice from my best bud about other friends. I got to go to my first A's game of the season, and my sisters bday this sunday is tailgating and another game. Woot! Donny Murphy is my new future husband.....Beth wants Bobby Crosby. It was Ashley's first ever pro baseball game and I will drag her to many more. We've had 2 pretty successful bbq's and want to have many more. Me and Beth looked at a house we fell for and are hoping our realtors help us out, it would be sweet! Everything is always so spontaneous with us.

I have a presentation tomorrow, and then two finals that shouldn't be too bad and then the semester is over and on to new things!

For those i haven't talked to yet, I have decided to switch paths...again....into Teaching! My grams and I have decided that this injury was a blessing in disguise. I realize I am not hapy with the corporate world and don't wish to make it any part of my carreer. It will take two more years of school and I can get my degree in math and go straight to student teach and then have my single subject credential. It seems like more but it would e just as long for business and more mba stuff if I stayed where I am. So on to math and teaching! I found out I can use the courses I have already taken to complete a minor in ISYS(information systems) as to not let the classes go to waste and maybe teach programming as well in middle and high school.

So that is the plan! I don't think it will change again, this seems right and I want to teach in SF eventually, so doing the training there will be beneficial.

ok, toodles!
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