Google Tech Talk

Nov 12, 2006 01:45

A couple of friends who are *not* "software geeks" have watched this and said that I should let all of you know that it exists, so here it is. If you like it, rate it... if you don't... umm... well... let your conscious be your guide. ;)

Oh yeah, it's not just slides, it's an actual video of me not being able to stand still while talking. ;)

Modeling Application Usage Visually

Description: Google TechTalks April 24, 2006 Scott Barber Scott Barber is the CTO of PerfTestPlus, Inc. and Co-Founder of the Workshop on Performance and Reliability (WOPR). Scott's particular specialties are testing and analyzing performance for complex systems, developing customized testing methodologies, group facilitation and authoring instructional materials.

Astract Modeling application usage is more than just parsing log files and calculating page frequencies. Whether we are analyzing navigation path effectiveness, planning for scenario testing, documenting performance test workload models or mapping services or objects to user activity having a single, intuitive picture to reference makes the job easier. In this session, we'll explore a highly adaptable method for visualizing application usage and how to use this model to improve cross-functional team communication without requiring team members to invest time learning some new fad of a modeling language that they'll probably never use again. This method references UCML™ which has been described as "what collaboration diagrams should have been."
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