May 11, 2008 01:00

So guess what I just watched at 11:30 at night?

No, not Death Note.

The Iron Giant.

YEAH. THE IRON GIANT. I haven't frickin' seen it in ages. But I just got back from my babysitting job and I saw that it was on so I thought, "What the hell, Death Note's recording and I already know Light's dad is gonna die" (LOL SPOILER) and watched it.

....F**king hell I don't know if I want to laugh or cry T_T My love has been rekindled. Maybe it's because now I understand the whole "microcosm of the 1950s" things. That nuclear protection video about hiding under the desk made me seriously rofl.

I just remembered that it's one of the Disney movies I still have on VHS. ...SCORE. XD I also have The Black Cauldron. Lord that movie was weird XD but Gergie is adorable. He's like a talking dog and a mop combined.

Anyway, enough of my childish rantings. I have Matt and Mello pics, but I have yet to strap down my boobies, so Matt does, in fact, look like a hermaphrodite XD but I'll fix that. I also added my leather jacket to the Mello costume, it looks super pimpin'.

rant, anime

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