So here’s where the ranting more or less stops. I appreciate anybody who stuck with all these long pointless things. This post will be a theory-based post, so I welcome any of you guys’ thoughts and predictions on what the rest of the season will be like!
You guys, I may seem cynical, but I am very excited for Rehabklok. I really love all the guys, but Pickles has a definite place in my heart. I love that little Irish-American alkie drummer. I should be more irked that he’s getting ANOTHER episode, when he’s already had Dethwedding, PRklok, and the Snakes’N’Barrels episodes (though to be fair the second one incorporated all the guys better, which is why it’s one of my favorite episodes). But really it’s an interesting turn. Pickles, the most intoxicated man on the planet, in REHAB? How on earth could this turn out?
…Oh. According to the preview the band actively replaces him with a drum machine.
Yeah I know what I said about adult swim previews being dirty rotten liars, but I’m still going to make this point that I made in a discussions post for Dethsiduals. What is with the sudden rash of episodes about band members leaving? I mean I know it happens to bands, obviously, but…come on. Not even going to try spreading these out, guys? It’s like they didn’t have any paper when they were thinking of these episodes and so they just resolved to make them right away so they wouldn’t forget to bring them in later. XD
But hey, this is just my first blush on Rehabklok based on the preview. Just based on what the preview has told us, do you think there are better ways that they could take this premise? Here, let me list a couple of my thoughts.
1. Pickles ends up in rehab, and who should he run into but Rikki Kixx, recently relapsed! After the typical “WHAT THE F*riif*K ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU BAND-STEALING C*riff*SUCKER” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT AM I DOING HERE YOU BEAT MY FACE IN” reaction, Pickles decides that there is strength in numbers and extends an olive branch to Rikki in order for them to stage an uprising against the rehab clinic and escape. There is a dramatic and completely stupid speech, similar to Pickles’ sobriety rant from S’n’B II, made to the other patients that somehow converts them all to Pickles’ side. By the end Rikki kicks him in the shins and makes a break for it on his own, and gets his ass beat by the rehab security for his troubles.
2. While Pickles is in rehab, the band faces a serious mental block until Nathan or whoever decides “F*riff*k it guys, we gotta get Pickles outta there.” And instead of just, you know. Going to Charles to get him out (since he is likely the one who put Pickles there in the first place), they stage their own “special” and epic rescue mission. Surprising him in military outfits is an added bonus.
3. After Pickles gets out of rehab, he is put back in commission and the drum machine is left out. The drum machine gains some sort of sentience and resolves to take Pickles out for good. This seems lightly implied by the “THREAT: PICKLES THE DRUMMER” clip from the preview but I doubt anything will come of that. Again, I may be wrong. Previews lie.
The preview seemed to imply that the drum machine becomes addicted to substances itself. Dethklok drummers are just cursed I think. Drum machines just can’t party as hard as humans. Knowing this show they’ll probably decide Pickles drums better when he’s hammered.
Now I have nothing to go on except rumors from Holkie and the preview footages I’ve seen. We’ve got three episodes left in the season. The show has not done anything overarcing-plot-related, but at the same time, it is playing the season finale VERY close to the chest. We have seen NO clips from it except a brief scene of the Tribunal apparently discussing Offdensen, who haven’t been nearly as highlighted as in previous seasons. Although I’d like to point out that they’ve only been missing for three out of seven episodes.
You might be wondering why I neglected to bring up the Tribunal previously. Well…I am a little sad that they’re gone. I mean we had an AMAZING teaser at the end of Renovationklok! Why is the military mobilizing? Where are they gathering? What is Selatcia controlling General Crozier to do? What is he building? Is it a drill? A bomb? A time capsule? A TARDIS?! WHAT IS IT GOING TO DO?!
I think a lot of people are comparing the absence of the Tribunal to their prevalence in season 01, when Crozier and Ravenwood were conspiring against Selatcia; they had substance and were in their own right more characterized. Anyway. I’m not more upset because…I think there is a reason we haven’t seen them around. Perhaps this plan is taking longer than we’re accustomed to. Dude, Selatcia just tells them to WAAAAAAAAIT anyway.
So now I guess I’m getting into the Wild Mass Guessing. I really don’t have much to say about Dethzazz except my crack theory is this: the braces groupie that Rockso seems to fall for is Toki’s mom. It’s not supposed to make sense; I just thought of it in a moment of silliness. But for the record if it’s true I called it
Actually, coming back to the scene with Twinkletits that I mentioned in my last post. It’s Toki who is in there with him. Maybe we are going to actually get Toki opening up about his childhood and how fucked up he’s been lately! …I don’t know how Rockso fits into this, though. All I know is I’m fairly certain those two backstories are in the same episode. Perhaps Toki and Doctor Rockso are more connected than we expected.
So yeah that’s pretty much the only opinion I have of Dethzazz at this point. Other than it’s nice to get to see Little Toki again.
So, onto the supposed season finale (which to my recollection is entitled “Doublebookedklok,” but I don’t remember for certain). Honestly, I know the last two seasons we’ve gotten some pretty damn epic climaxes with explosions and violence and CFO kicking major major ass, but here’s what I think.
I think season 03’s finale is going to focus more on a dramatic reveal rather than a fight or attack of some sort. It has a lot of suspense appeal, as we’ll have to wait until season 04 to figure out how it affects the boys and the world as a whole. After all Selatcia wants the Metalocalypse to happen.
What about this potential reveal, then? Well…You guys may have noticed something else in these posts.
I haven’t mentioned Charles at all.
Something’s just off about him. I’m not the only one who thinks so, am I? I can’t put my finger on it because he isn’t really outwardly acting THAT different…he seems more distant than he has in previous seasons. Brendon Small said that Charles’ missing scar and the change in his suit color are important.
Perhaps there are two Offdensens. Perhaps some time in between Renovationklok (when he still had his scar and I believe his suit was still blue-grey; it’s hard to tell with the lighting in the copter scene at the end) and Tributeklok, the “real” Offdensen was taken out somehow by someone in the Tribunal-General Crozier?-and replaced with a clone or a robot or a double or something. Maybe this Bizarro Offdensen was sent in by the Tribunal in order to create dissent amongst the boys (a lot of people speculate that Offdensen’s weird little “heart-to-heart” with Skwisgaar is what made him decide to go search for his father). Maybe Selatcia was wrong and realized that the boys are the defense against the Metalocalypse (one of the many theories), and that breaking them apart will make it easier for it to happen. After all, the world would fall into pretty bad chaos if Dethklok broke up for good.
…Sorry, that theory just suddenly came rushing at me all at once and I had to get it down. XD Perhaps the double is deliberate on the real Offdensen’s part, to draw the Tribunal out somehow.
And then there’s the whole “Where have you been for the last nine months?” that everybody has been speculating on. I really don’t have any solid theories of my own for that one. I just like to think he was recovering from his injuries while simultaneously being a total badass motherfucker. Anybody got any good theories on that one?
Well, in conclusion. Something about season 3.5 has definitely felt “different” to me, but I don’t take this as a sign of the show decaying as of now. If it is, I think Small needs to either take some stuff off of his plate, or put a hiatus on the show so that we get fresh material. Maybe that’s what season 04 will end up with. I won’t mind if we get some answers, as well as the typical Dethklokian weirdness and hilarity that we’ve come to expect from Metalocalypse.