
Mar 06, 2010 08:37

Questions from gracie_musica

1. What was your first fandom ever?

My very first fandom was Star Trek, but I only read the stories. The first Iever wrote stories for was Lord of the Rings.

2. What's your fandom guilty pleasure?

Hmm, thats a tough one. I think it is loving stories where Aya ends up with Schuldig and Yohji and I'm a sucker for dark plots and a lot of h/c, oh and I'm a fluff whore. The fluffier the better. ^_^

3. Ever seen an adaptation from a book/play/another movie and thought you could do it better? Which one? (besides the obvious...)

The obvious would be Torchwood CoE, no matter how much praise it gets, I hate it with a passion (not only for the obvious reason but the overall wrongness) and even if the DVDs are part of my collection, I will never watch it again. It was the crappiest writing I've ever seen.

The not so obvious would be LotR - The Two Towers not the book but the movie. I cringe everytime I watch it.

4. Quick: Recast Torchwood, at least the main five. Same characters, different actors. Who would you pick and why?

No replacement for me, the cast is perfect, I can't think of anybody else playing Captain Jack, Ianto, Owen and Tosh. Well, there is one thing I would change.... in my world there would be no Gwen.

5. If you could live anywhere, where would you move to?

That's easy... New Zealand in a smalll town called Te Anau the gateway to Fjordland on the South Island, but with options in Auckland and Wellington.
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