Star Trek

May 11, 2009 07:00

What can I say.....

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

For an old Trekkie like me it was like coming home.
Karl Urban as Bones was a real surprise. I have to admit that I was very sceptic that he can play the part, but he blew me away. From the first seecond on hes WAS Bones. Someone said that he had DeForrest Kelleys ghost in his head and I have to agree, he was the Bones I loved from the old series and the movies, including all those one liners I so missed in TNG and other shows

Chris Pine is an impersonation of a young Kirk not even Shatner could have done better.
And Zachary Quinto is a Spock who has the best of both worlds.

During the movie I laughed, I cried, had goosebumps..... It was awesome.

I'm going to see it again tomorrow. And again sometime next week, and again in the english version in 2 weeks. Maybe even more often.

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