The last adventure of the 21st century......

Dec 09, 2008 18:59

..... travelling with German Rail.

You know that you are sick and tired of using public transportations, when you think about buying a car after 20 years of not needing one.

Let me tell you about one single week using German Rail.

Long rant behind the cut. ^_^

Sunday: Returning from Stuttgart, where I was invited to the b-day party of a friends son (He thinks I'm cool ^__________^)
Leaving Stuttgart on time at 4:14pm, that wasallready unbelievable but I do believe in miracles.
Well, that was the last time this day I was happy.
We arrived in Munich still in time (5 minutes late is nothing we talk about *wink*) The way to the other track is too long to get the train that is leaving only 15 minutes later after we arrived.
Not a problem, the next one is due in 45 minutes and I wanted to meet a friend for a quick cup of coffee.
I'm at the right track right in time and take a seat. 2 minutes before the train is supposed to leave the station a conducter comes up to  my place and tells me that this train is scheduled to stop in Grafin, (thats a 15 minute drive) and from there we are asked to take a bus to Rosenheim. (Well, what can I say... it is construction time, not that it helps in any kindO_O) He offered me two other options... first - I could stay in Munich for one more our and take the next train, that one would go through to my hometown. Or  second -  I could stay in this train which would go back to munich after it's stop in Grafing ( yes, you guessed right, the same train I was currently sitting in would be the one which would go strait through to my hometown one hour later.
I chosse to take the original and take the bus to Rosenheim to chatch the train there.
Tha's what I thought, I should have known better.

After arriving in Grafing we had to get to the bus really quickly because there was only one bus for all passengers of this train. We were told that there is a second one on it's way, but this one will not arrive before 20 minutes, too late to catch the other train I need to get home.

Stuffed in the bus we take a scenic tour through our beautyful bavarian landscape, it was just too bloddy dark to see anything. After more than one hour in this cramped bus with all the lugage we finally arrive at Rosenheim Station.... just in time for me to see my next train leaving the station.

Ah well, let's take the next one scheduled only 20 minutes later..... WRONG..... 2 minutes before the train should arrive it is announced that it will be 10 minutes late..... WRONG again.... it was 25 minutes late.

When I finally arrived at home that evening I spent more than 6 hours on a journey that usually lasts only 3.5 hours.

but that was just the beginning

On Monday I start my usual commute to work.
My train in the morning is only 7 minutes delayed, so nothing special. ^_^ In town I need to take a bus to get to work.... yes, the bus was late (10 minutes)

In the evening I wanted to get to the station, of course by bus - it was 25 minutes late - I missed my train. The next one should arrive in 20 minutes,  - yes- it was late (14 minutes)

Tuesday: Train in the morning  - in time ( 5 minutes late)
                   Bus -  (10 minutes late)
Tuesday evening: Bus (17 minutes late) - Train more or less in time ( 7 minutes late)

Wednesday: Morning as usual -  Evening: bus late (23 minutes'); Train (first 15 minutes late, after that time it was 60 minutes late, after 20 minutes the train was cancelled) - Took a bus to get home (comute 45 minutes longer than usual)

Thursday: morning as usual - Evening: bus as usual (you know the 20 minutes...') Train 5 minutes late (official announcement) in fact it was 20 minutes late

Friday: mornig as always; Evening: One train cancelled the next one late.

So this was just a typical week on a train in Germany, and the winter has not really started yet. I don't want to think about what will happen again, when it finally starts to snow. O_O
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