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Jul 28, 2009 20:43

The warehouse is dark the sunlight just peaking through the windows high on the walls the floor is stained with blood, sinew, and gasoline. A man lies on his left side blood pooling around him, is right hand timidly reaches over and gropes the gaping hole that used to be his left shoulder his eyes well up and he releases a gurgling scream as his eyes scan the room for the lost appendage. The arm mangled and beaten lies across the room dangling from a rusted meat hook like a prize winning catch. He grasps forward and attempts to drag his body towards the enormous steel doors of the warehouse only to find that his torso is still firmly tied to a wooden desk chair. He strains and pulls, dragging the weight of his body and the restraint screeches and grinds as he does. Fifteen minutes pass as he crawls towards the exit, blood trailing marking his progress. The door finally in reach, he pulls himself up to reach the handle...WHAM! He falls back and cracks his head on the warehouse floor.

Two men enter the door to begin the days shift, their minds on the day and the night before, it not often that they can knock off of work five hours early and still get paid for the day. They were not expecting to find a man bloodied, beaten and dismembered cling on to life by a tread. They stood in awe. The man rose his head and looked at the men, “My name is Rubikai Demes,'cough' and I need you to call an ambulance, tell them an officer has been wounded.” with this he would pass out.
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