Today's theme: Distraction

May 01, 2006 00:16

...6 Days...

Only 3 days of finals and then I'm free forever. Free forever....FREE FOREVER!!!


Stolen from MATTHEW, 6 weird things about me:

1) I have some powerful imagination that gives me the ability to fully immerse myself into a fantasy where I have visual, auditory, and tactile senses. Sometimes I do that when I drive or walk to class because I'm bored and there's no one there...until I start to fantasize.

2) I hate to dance but when it comes to listening to music my whole body becomes a separate instrument. My left foot may tap the drum while my right foot the bass. My hands and head all move rhythmically to the music and I really don't care if people think I'm weird doing it because I love music...but I'm embarrassed to dance. Go figure. I suppose you could say that I my dancing is personal and at my leisure, not to be paraded around in some crowded discotheque.

3) When I allow myself to be overcome by it, I don't like to step on cracks. If I do step on a crack with my left foot, my right foot then must step on a crack of equal value. I'll adjust my gait so that this happens. Also, when I see things I tend to group them in 3's and I will count them over and over again. There are 17 vertical blinds in my house and that bothers me because it's not divisible by three. Usually, though, I'm sane enough to not let these compulsive rituals override my functioning...thereby setting me apart from someone with official OCD. I just have many symptoms.

4) When I go shopping I have a very difficult time picking between similar items. Sometimes I buy 4 sets of pens/deodorant/soap because I can't tell which one I'm going to like. Then I only use the one I like. I get very frustrated when my favorite pen runs out of ink and I have to use another.

5) I feel the need to save everything. Even when writing this LJ I've already twice hit CTRL+A, CTRL+C, to select and copy the text.

6) I can't eat food without having a drink and a napkin. It's not because I'm messy, it's just that I hate having food on me. I usually wipe my mouth after every bite. I do not know why. Without a drink I feel like I will choke and die.

Wow, that was a fun exercise. I think I've learned something about myself: I am habitual. I could have listed many other things but the thing said to put 6.

Other things I'm habitual about:
* The way I brush my teeth and how if my toothbrush touches the counter or the sink I must throw it away because it is permanently contaminated
* I sleep in the same position every night. I sometimes try new ones but I end up in my usual position before I finally fall asleep.
* The way I use soap in the shower. After washing something I must completely rinse the soap off of my hands before I pick up the soap again to wash the next thing.
* The way I date every paper that I write on.

And as structured as I seem to try and make my life...I never make my bed, my floor is always cluttered, and my desk is NEVER organized. It's almost as if I try to balance my law and chaos perfectly. I don't understand it.


Well this was a productive waste of 30 minutes of thinking, writing, and personal reflection. I have my hardest final exam in 12 hours and I haven't studied much. Before my exam I still have to sleep and eat breakfast. That leaves just a few more hours of studying this material that I don't understand.

More lyrics inspired by the girl.

I saw her again today.
Entranced by the beautiful way.
Her curves make me shiver
And make me wanna giver her
Every cubic centimeter
Of my love.

She stole my gaze today.
All my thoughts were led astray.
Her beautiful brown eyes
And powerful young thighs
Had my heart caught in a vice
Around my love.

I heard her laugh today.
Like a siren's song I must obey.
Floating in to wrap my brain
In shiny scented cellophane
I Suffocate but don't complain
About my love.

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