brief Key Largo update

Nov 25, 2005 11:42

First off...


So being back in Key Largo...yeah, it's the same. The animals in the house make my eyes itch and my allergies crazy. My parents still hate listening to my guitar playing. It's not much like home anymore.

I've been thinking really hard lately about what I'm going to do after I graduate this Spring.
Graduate School?

All of these options are so difficult. I mean, I can't even grow a thick hobo beard. You can't be a hobo without a scraggly hobo beard!

Wendy suggested I look into an Internship. I think that's my best option. I'm looking for openings at JPL, NASA, Society of Physics, and various Aerospace companies. Hopefully the internship will be somewhere in Californ-I-A. On my flight over there I can play all sorts of songs like Going To California, Californication, Hotel California, California Dreaming, and California Man. I could throw in LA Woman too.

I dunnae why Calf'rnya's where I be wantin' to go.  <---Dwarfspeak

My family is throwing me a birthday party today. Tomorrow I get to go party with Matthew and crew. Monday I get to party with my Daytonites.

My eyes are miserable puffy and itchy. I'm bored with my life. I need some excitement. The kind of excitement that stays for a while. The kind of thing I can wake up to in the morning and smile about.

But first, I need to go eat cold turkey and left over pie.
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