some wearing and tearing

Nov 16, 2005 01:27

I'm pretty much all frustration and grumbles.

I've got too much stuff to do. And I have the motivation to do ZERO of my work. I've got more projects and papers and presentations than I can handle. I'm tired of this damn place. Coming back here makes me just want to leave again. Back to another country or state maybe.

I've haphazardly decided that I want to live in California. I'm looking into Grad Schools there.
Plus Side: It's a new territory to explore! Snow and beaches and mountains and the Pacific Ocean!
Down Side: It's far away from everyone I know and love. (or is that a plus side?)

Grad School. Now there's a funny thing. No one tells you when or how to apply to this monster. I think I've decided to investigate this thing a little too late and now deadlines are approaching rapidly. Wait, didn't I just say I had more class work than I could handle? Yeah I do. That's why I also don't have time to apply to stupid grad school.

Stupid grad school.

My Father wants me to continue with my Master's at ERAU. That's like the LAST thing I wanna do. Daytona makes me unhappy. I want to live in a place that's exciting, a place with lots of bars and live bands, a place with friendly girls looking for Rocket Scientist Rock Stars with curly hair. (Awesome Aside: BEST BAND NAME EVER = "Rocket Scientist Rock Stars"). I want to live in a place where I can enjoy myself.

I visited UF this weekend and hung out with Elmer, Jay, and crew. They've got a lovely bunch of coconut friends. I envy the social bondage going on in Grumblesville. Soul Caliber 3 and couches and D&D all the time and girls. Who knows, I might actually end up going to Grad School there. There were a few other people I was going to see whilst in the Grumbesville but we never met up. Those people are Meredith, Danielle, and Katrina. And you should all be ashamed of yourselves for being busy when I was in town!!! Oh well, maybe next time.

Ah, girls. My eternal quandary. There is kind of this one girl...but we can't date. Oh the irony. It's not like I have time for a girl anyway. But still....

My class attendance has been rapidly decreasing. I don't even think I've been to one of my classes in the past 2 weeks. This may not sound all that bad, but I used to never skip classes. Frankly, I just don't care much anymore. GIVE ME MY DEGREE AND LET ME LEAVE!

Getting my degree will be fun. I'll feel like I actually accomplished something major in my life. But before I do that, I need to go to bed so I can wake up for class and pass it so I can get credit for it so I can GRADUATE.

I wish I could quantize sleep into little bundles so I could a cell phone. Wait, aren't those called naps? I'm not so sure about those. I just want a power cord. A power CHORD. I wanna rock out. I need to sign out. I need to sleep out. I want to sleep in. I can't sleep in. I have to get up. I have to hurry up. I'm such a mess up. I'm gonna shut up.

"Throw the door wide open
Not a word is spoken"
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