Definitely feeling better

Oct 11, 2004 20:33

I would like to thank Josh for helping me today. I knew all along what you were trying to tell me it just helped to hear it from someone else. I know I shouldn't let the petty stuff get to me, it was just different this time. But I've seen the light and good riddance to that man that I once knew, a couple of August's ago. Thank you for what you showed me as well. If you could only know what I've learned from that. I don't think you will ever or even benefit from it, and that's fine too. Thank you Josh and good-bye Jeff, I don't need you anymore and I honestly don't think I ever did. Good Luck, Fuck Off whatever you feel you need to do, do it, just leave me out of it.

Josh you are great. And you will make someone very happy one day. And you will be ready someday. And I will still be there for you, no matter what. The best way I can I will be your friend.

On a good note. My day definitely got better. I learned who my friends are and that they are valuable. More valuable than we may ever know. But one day I hope we all come across such people that I have in my life. I think this puts it the best way:

"Time forges great friendships that will not whither in a season. There is something wonderful to be found in friendships that have stood the test of distance and age. Good friends have the amazing ability to go through long times apart and then pick up right where they left off. Trust your friendships to be enduring. Value teh bonds that have been built over time. Keep investing in those relationships: call, write, visit. Above all else, believe in the commitment of caring, and trust in the integrity of love. It will prove hardier than tough times and mightier than miles."

I have many friends that this applies too and a couple of relationships that just weren't and aren't meant to be. I love you guys. Thanks for being there for me.
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