AnimeNEXT 09, Summer School, Birthday, and other crap.

Jul 01, 2009 21:30

AnimeNEXT was fucking awesome~ Although the Marriott was kind of far from the convention center and it rained a lot. I got soaked a few times and it ruined my hair. :[ We got there late on Friday (since Kat, Jes, Leighann, and I had school that day and we got lost orz) so we didn't get to go to any of the panels we really wanted, but we DID play werewolf. Sofun. Not after the rave saturday, though. Too tired, and me/Christina/Kat wanted to snatch the bed before the others could.

i love my friends, shitsux, animenext 09, birthday, awesome, summer school, general faggotry

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