Why am I here? I don't want to take classes anymore

Sep 08, 2005 22:07

I've survived the first couple of days of classes. Just a little over a hundred more. *starts crying* Some classes look like they're gonna be fantastic classes. And then there are piano class and spanish, both of which have managed to give me a headache during the very first class. I can't see myself getting through them. In better news, I've managed to get trumpet lessons. Wind ensemble auditions are tomorrow and i have to make it so that i have an ensemble on my primary instrument. I suppose i can leave the bassoon section in concert band and go back to trumpet if absolutely necessary, but i'm hoping to just make wind ensemble. It'll be easier that way. Hopefully things will calm down shortly and i can start hanging out with all of my friends again. I feel like I barely ever see Linnea and Erin and Justine and Christina any more. And i think i just used the word "and" way too many times in that last sentence. Oh well, i've got to keep plugging away at my homework now. Homework already...*starts crying yet again* Ok, i feel a little better now. Talk to you later.


No puedo creerlo! Era detenido por contrabandeando una carga maxima de americanos a mexico. Debian haber sido agradecidos!
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