May 20, 2005 10:30
Finally took my last exam, theory is a good one to end with, it boosts my morale after my pitiful attempts on the comm and spanish finals of tuesday and wednesday. Spent a bit of time home yesterday and felt ridiculously cut off from the rest of the world. I've come to rely on the internet to keep in touch with people and now I'm gonna go home and be virtually internetless for several months. I can't wait for September, coming back to see people again and the return of marching band. I need something to keep me sane this summer. I know that last summer i felt like I just cut myself off from the world, I never saw my friends and never really did anything. Plus with graduation approaching here, I know there are people who I will never see again. I know I'll just trudge on like I always have before but I really hate it. It seems like every time I get comfortable anywhere things change and I feel lost and hopeless again. Oh well. I know I haven't updated lately, but considering this is the only way many people will even know I'm alive this summer, I resolve to update at least twice a week for the duration of the summer. Buh bye now.